The healthy masculine holds an agenda free container for the arising dynamism of the feminine.
Let me be clear here, that I’m not referring to men and women, or gender or sex. I’m speaking to the energetics that divine masculine (yang) and divine feminine (yin) contain.
I believe we all are the holy union of these two polarities, regardless of what gendered body we choose. ☯️
One of the awakened qualities of the masculine is a container. One that is not stagnant, but ever-present to the emerging of the moment that is the feminine, meeting it moment to moment, with a level of stability, consistency, and protection that allows the feminine to feel held and met.
This presence is without agenda and stays with, delighting in the unfolding.
⚔️ 🌊 ⚔️
I’m often in this space holding role with my child, as she explores and follows what intrigues her. In this agendaless presence I get to delight in her explorations, attuning to her flowing energy, being the banks to her river.
If I’m distracted or holding an agenda of what needs to happen, I’m disturbing this holy union and it’s not enjoyable for either of us. 😒
When I’m truly present in body mind, heart, and spirit, I am nourished by her unfolding desires. Meeting them with a reliable presence. If my mind is distracted, or my attention is split, then I feel depleted by her continual arising desires and she doesn’t feel met and attuned to.
This holy dance of Union allows her to be
met, seen, and cherished in her ever expanding development. And, my genuine presence fills me with love, as I get the honor of witnessing this precious being unfolding. 💗
I’m not always only in the role of the masculine with her. There’s also times when we are flowing together in our feminine. Or, I’m allowing her to see my tenderness and vulnerability. Or, she is being assertive with her needs and I’m receptive and responsive.
I’m offering her polarity in our dance.
"I don’t want to get caught in one role, because for me the enjoyment of this relationship is the continual shifting, growing and deepening. The alive unfolding that emerges with each new stage of development. "
I don’t want to get caught in one role, because for me the enjoyment of this relationship is the continual shifting, growing and deepening. The alive unfolding that emerges with each new stage of development.
I model to her my fluency between these two poles of masculine and feminine within myself (as best I can), I honor them in her. Thus reinforcing the Union that she came in as. ❤️☯️ ❤️
Big Love and Delight,
#divinemasculine #divinefeminine #union #pleasurablemamahood #motheringthroughpresence #motherbridge #motherhoodinspired #responsiveparenting