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Tribal Trimester Progression

Updated: Mar 17, 2022

In more tribal cultures, when a woman first becomes pregnant, this is the time when she rests. The tribe expects her to do less work and to really slow down to allow for this being inside of her to grow. As she approaches her third trimester this is when she begins to do more work within the tribe again. Carrying wood, water, etc. to prep her body, and build up her strength for the baby she will be holding soon.

When I heard this I could feel how much this paralleled my journey through pregnancy. The first trimester, felt like such an internal time for me. I really heard my body asking me to slow down, to rest more, to do way less and be in more beingness. I felt the wisdom of “morning sickness.” I put that in quotes because to me it feels like my body’s intelligence asking me to slow down, tune in and listen. It’s the (not so subtle) cue to pay attention to this amazing thing that is occurring inside of me. I thankfully didn’t have super intense morning sickness, just some waves of nausea or dizziness. Many times when the nausea was present, if I tuned in, there was an emotional layer attached to it. Often some fear that I needed to let move through me. I kept allowing the wisdom of my body to move out anything it needed to; to keep purifying this vessel; to keep this home that this new being was inhabiting clean and clear, inclusive of emotions; avoiding toxic smells and foods it didn’t want.

The first 8 weeks or so of implantation of the union of the egg and seed into the uterine wall are the most crucial parts of development. Everything is multiplying and forming from a single cell. The vital organs, the brain, and the heart are all getting set into place to then grow. After this time period, everything's established and continues to grow over the next many months into the tiny human that will come into this world. So it makes sense that the body really wants to do less externally because so much crucial growth is occurring internally. I wish our culture could honor this stage of pregnancy and encourage us to slow down, be still, sleep more, and do nothing. So often, we keep our pregnancy secret in the first trimester. Probably because of the stigma around miscarriages. Imagine if we could tell people we were pregnant and people responded by supporting us to do less during this crucial growth time. If our modern tribe took care of our pregnant women by honoring and acknowledging us.

"So often, we keep our pregnancy secret in the first trimester. Probably because of the stigma around miscarriages. Imagine if we could tell people we were pregnant and people responded by supporting us to do less during this crucial growth time."

I notice now, in my 3rd trimester, my energy levels are way up. I’m enjoying dancing and movement again. I feel my body preparing to be more equipped with increased energy for when this little bundle of joy is going to be in my arms. It's such an intelligent progression of increased vitality as my body preps for birthing and mamahood. I feel more inspired to share my creative energy with others. I've loved tracking my wise body in this process, honoring what it needs and desires each step of the way. Slowing down when I want more stillness and moving when that feels enjoyable and nourishing. There is such innate intelligence in our bodies all the time. Being pregnant, perhaps it is a bit louder for me to hear, but I know our bodies are communicating every moment exactly what they need. Honoring and following our natural rhythms is so nourishing. May I keep honoring my body as this baby arrives and I get to learn their rhythms too, so we may move together in interdependence. The tribal communities are onto something in recognizing this natural progression throughout pregnancy. May we continue to find ways to adapt this ancient wisdom into our modern culture, bringing reverence back to all the Mamas, including Mama Earth. We need to.

Big love and delight, Mandalena

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